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Burning Man festival organizers removes pro-Palestinian sculpture


The protests sparked by Israel’s war in the Gaza Strip have reached the free-spirited Burning Man desert festival in Nevada.

Organizers of the festival, where “radical self-expression” is one of its guiding principles, this week approved the removal a canopy-sized sculpture of a sliced watermelon.

Titled “From the River to the Sea”, the 8-foot-by-14-foot sliced fruit — red pulp, green-and-white rind and black seeds — has the same colors as those on the Palestinian flag and has become a symbol of solidarity with the Palestinian cause.

The sculpture was among the dozens of art installations expected to be on display just outside the festival’s center camp, but it was taken off the website when an online petition to remove it began circulating.

Although the art installation is no longer listed on the website, it’s unclear whether it will be on display at Burning Man, which is scheduled from Aug. 25 to Sept. 2.

Dominique Debucquoy-Dodley, a spokesperson for Burning Man, said in a written statement to a media outlet that the art piece was submitted using an anonymous profile, which violates the terms of the event’s art placement submission process.

“Additionally, the listing’s content contained language understood by some to be hate speech,” Debucquoy-Dodley said. “We do not tolerate the use of violent, hateful, or incendiary language on our platforms.”

The spokesperson said the people who submitted the art installation to the website can appeal.

“Based on the circumstances around the way the listing was submitted, we believe that this is likely not an actual art piece coming to Black Rock City, but that the listing was instead intended to stir an emotional response within the Burning Man community,” Debucquoy-Dodley wrote.

An archived version of the website includes an image and description of the sculpture. The artist was identified only as “Decolonize Now.”

“The watermelon is a powerful symbol for Palestinians. In 1967, when Israel seized control of the West Bank and Gaza and annexed East Jerusalem, the Israeli government made public displays of the Palestinian flag a criminal offense throughout the land,” the description reads.

“To circumvent the ban, Palestinians began using the watermelon because, when cut open, the fruit bears the national colors of the Palestinian flag — red, black, white, and green.”

But at the heart of the controversy was the phrase “From the River to the Sea,” according to the petition which  have deemed anti-semitic

So far, the online petition to remove the watermelon sculpture has collected a little more than 1,000 signatures, and it includes comments from people who signed it.




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