The season premiere of acclaimed animated comedy show ‘Family Guy’ featured a joke on the Pakistani cricket fans, namely of the two PSL franchises Karachi Kings and the Lahore Qalandars.
The scene starts with Peter Griffin going out to eat with his friends. While they are seated, a friend of his complains to him about foreign sports fans on Saturday mornings.
“Like those Pakistani cricket hooligans,” he tells Griffin.
The shot focuses on two Pakistani cricket fans, sitting side by side with Lahore written over the front of their shirts.
“If you’re not rooting for Lahore, please you may leave, I can tell you,” he says in a thick Pakistani accent.
“Lahore cricketers are the best and the other cricketers are not the best, dear friends,” says his friend, the other Pakistani fan.
The scene then shifts to a Karachi Kings fan who covers up his tee-shirt by wearing a jacker, saying he doesn’t have a ‘death wish’.
This season's Family Guy premiere launches with a joke about Karachi Kings and Lahore Qalanders
— Fasi Zaka (@fasi_zaka) September 28, 2020
Instead of taking offence, people were elated that the PSL and Lahoris were featured in the episode.
* in accent* Wow we lahoris are now famous we are grape!?
— Atif Ayaz Qureshi (@atifayaz1991) September 28, 2020
— Laggar Baggar Dot Com (@mahobili) September 28, 2020
A few people were not happy that thick, Indian accents were used for the Pakistani fans.
Indian accents used unfortunately. Never heard a Pakistani talk with that enunciation ever
— The Epic Gallop (@osamaakram) September 28, 2020
When will they ever get our english accent right? ??
— Sarah T (@saaray_ka_saara) September 28, 2020
This makes me proud??
— AK (@ainakhalid801) September 28, 2020
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